The “Collaborative robots for industrial and professional service tasks” workshop is organized by PROFACTOR during European Robotics Forum (ERF 2019), the most influential meeting of the robotics community in Europe, held in Bucharest, Romania, on 20-22 March 2019.
This workshop aims to bring together different fields of science to aid in the application area of collaborative robot programming. The focus is on challenges faced by human robot collaboration in both manufacturing and service industries. Along these lines, the CoLLaboratE project aims to revolutionize the way industrial robots learn to cooperate with human workers for performing new manufacturing tasks, with a special focus on the challenging area of assembly operations.
The following topics will be discussed:
- Enabling technologies for teaching collaborative robots
- Challenges in Human Robot Collaborative use-cases
- Self-learning and adaptation capabilities of Robots in collaborative scenarios
- Role assignment in Human Robot Collaboration
Workshop programme (20 March 2019, Braila Room)
08:30 – 08:35 Opening comments by the organizers
- Prof. Markus Vinze, TU Wien
- Prof. Zoe Doulgeri, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
08:35 – 09:05 Impulse talks by our invited speakers:
- Dr. Michael Zillich, CTO, Blue Danube Robotics
- Prof. Ole Madsen, Aalborg University
- Alessandro Zanella, Centro Ricerche Fiat
- Aleš Ude, Jožef Stefan Institute
- Jordi Pagès Marco, PAL Robotics
09:05 – 09:35 Group Discussion
09:35 – 09:55 Panel Discussion
09:55 – 10:00 Wrap-up of findings by the organizer
Marriott Hotel, Bucharest, Romania
Offcial ERF 2019 Programme:
The workshop is co-organized by CoLLaboratE Project, Profaktor, PAL Robotics