Your contact

Dr. Christoph Breitschopf

+43 72 52 885 0

PROFACTOR is an applied research company with headquarters in Steyr and Vienna. The company conducts applied production research in the field of industrial assistive systems and additive micro/nano manufacturing.

PROFACTOR acts as an interface between science and business. In more than 1,700 projects, we have demonstrated what can be created with applied production research: Innovation.  We enable you to be a step ahead and work to ensure Europe’s continued industrial prosperity.

More than 400 customers have trusted us so far – from small businesses to enterprises.

Our team consists of 75 employees from 15 academic fields. They work across disciplines to find solutions for the manufacturing industry. We set standards in robotics, image processing, simulation, and functional surfaces and nanostructures.

The Society to promote the modernization of production technologies in Austria (Vereinigung zur Förderung der Modernisierung der Produktionstechnologie in Österreich or VPTÖ for short) fouded PROFACTOR in 1995. Since 2014, the Upper Austrian Research (UAR) has taken over 49 percent of the shares of PROFACTOR GMBH. Since June 2018, the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology has owned 51 percent of PRFOACTOR GmbH.

Mission and Values

Mission PROFACTOR researches for the competitiveness of the European Industry. Our technological developments strive for efficiency and sustainability, and work to benefit society.   We are pioneers of the thinking production. We bring production back home. We join forces and streng ...


Do not hesitate to contact the PROFACTOR team in case of any questions, whishes and suggestions. Management Dr. Christoph Breitschopf Chief Executive Officer Tel.: +43 (0)7252 885-0 E-Mail  DI Dr. Andreas Pichler Chief Technology Officer Head of Robotics and Assistive Systems Tel.: +43 (0 ...

Facts and Figures

Your contact Dr. Christoph Breitschopf CEO +43 72 52 885 0 We answer... ... your questions


In more than 1,700 projects, we have demonstrated what can be created with applied production research: Innovation.  We enable you to be a step ahead and work to ensure Europe’s continued industrial prosperity. More than 400 customers have trusted us so far – from small businesses to ...


Here you can find news, current reports and highlights about PROFACTOR. The information is only available in German, please don't hestitate to contact the corporate communication department for any question or information needed.


Our Solutions Surface Inspection of Metal Parts - Image-based inspection with minimal pseudo-error rate Oberflächeninspektion von Metallteilen - Bildbasierte Inspektion mit minimaler Pseudo-Fehlerrate (German) Surface Inspection of Fiber Reinforced Composites - Machine Vision for Advanced ...