PROFACTOR offers industrial solutions in the following five application areas:
Industrial Inspection
Visual quality inspection goes far beyond making accept or reject decisions. PROFACTOR is developing industrial inspection systems using machine vision and machine learning. Our systems reproduce human decision-making and are able to detect a wide range of defect types. We provide much mor ...
Robotics and Automation
Future-proof your work processes with Robotic Assistance Systems Your employees and specialists are always at the center of our considerations. It is not about replacing them, but making the best possible use of your employees' knowledge and skills and to relieve them of secondary activiti ...
Digital Assistance
Ever increasing quality requirements, a broader product diversity or stronger competition are important drivers for digitalisation and the optimization of operational procedures. For many tasks in manufacturing and the service sector workers are superior over automated solutions. Examples ...
Micro und Nano Manufacturing
Micro- or nanostructures on a surface can significantly improve components, enable new functions or achieve unique aesthetic effects. PROFACTOR has more than 15 years of experience in technology development and the application of nanoimprint lithography (NIL), a cost-efficient, high-precis ...
Inkjet Printing Technologies
Digital printing technologies are superior to traditional printing processes in many respects and enable components to be printed or coated in a flexible and customized manner. PROFACTOR has many years of experience in the development of digital printing processes. Both for decorative prin ...