Die Nanoimprint-Lithogaphie (NIL) verfolgt das Ziel, Nanostrukturen kosteneffizient auf großen Oberflächen zu replizieren.

Im Rahmen generativer Fertigungsmethoden ist das additive Nanoimprinten eine Möglichkeit, die Oberflächen additiv gefertigter Bauteile mit speziellen Funktionalitäten zu versehen.

PROFACTOR konzentriert sich in der Forschung auf die UV-basierte Nanoimprint Lithographie (UV-NIL) und dabei auf mehrere Herausforderungen:

  • Nanoimprint auf gekrümmten Oberflächen (3DNIL): Die für möglichst flache Oberflächen entwickelte NIL muss für makroskopisch gekrümmte Oberflächen adaptiert werden. Anwendungen für diese Art von Prozessen reichen von Antireflexionsstrukturen auf Linsen bis zu biomimetischen Strukturen auf 3D-gedruckten Implantaten. Wir arbeiten an der Prozess- und Tool-Entwicklung, um solche Anwendungen zu ermöglichen.
  • Nanoimprint – mehrlagig und mit unterschiedlichen Materialien: Wir wollen unterschiedliche Materialien mit unterschiedliche Eigenschaften kombinieren, um neuartige Effekte und neue Anwendungen zu ermöglichen. Im Mittelpunkt steht das Zusammenwirken von unterschiedlichen Materialien in unterschiedlichen Schichten für spezifische Funktionalitäten, sowie das Lage-zu-Lage Alignment. Eines unserer Ziele ist, diese Arbeit mit den Inkjet Aktivitäten zu verbinden, um die Herstellung digitaler Muster zu erreichen.
  • Der Nanoinkjet Druck – Kombination von Nanoimprint Lithographie mit dem Inkjet Druck: Ziel ist es die Auflösung des Inkjet Drucks zu verbessern, indem wir auf mittels NIL vorstrukturierten Substraten Drucken. Gleichzeitig nutzt PROFACTOR den digitalen Vorteil des Inkjet Drucks, um auch NIL digital anzuwenden.
  • Rolle-zu-Platten Nanoimprinting: um großflächiges Nanoimprinting zu erreichen verwenden wir Rolle-zu-Platte Nanoimprinting. Unser Tool wurde gemeinsam mit Stensborg A/S aufgebaut und kann Substrate bis zu einer Größe von 30x60cm² aufnehmen. Die Substrate können starr aber auch flexibel sein, sowie auch nicht-transparent. Im Tool können wir das Nanoimprint Material mittels Inkjet, Slot Die Coater oder mittels Tropfendispenser absetzen sowie gänzlich manuell arbeiten.
  • Materialanpassung: Die Materialien müssen eventuell für die Anforderungen von additiven Prozessen modifiziert werden. Falls notwendig passen wir existierende Materialien oder Formulierungen an unsere Bedürfnisse oder die unserer Kunden an


Step & Repeat und Roll-to-Plate NIL

Entwicklung von massenproduktionstauglichen Prozessen zur Replikation von Mikro- und Nanostrukturen


NIL on curved substrates

Entwicklung von Prozessen zur Replikation von Mikro- und Nanostrukturen auf gekrümmten Oberflächen


Heart failure (HF) is the leading cause of death in Western countries and increasingly challenged by the shortage of donor organs. Contemporary mechanical circulatory support (MCS) devices promote survival and improve quality of life for many HF patients. Rotodynamic blood pumps (RBP) used as left v ...+
The smart cities of the future are depending on the integration of smart or intelligent windows in buildings to ensure a high quality of living while conserving as much energy and resources as possible. As a part of the building that interacts with the outside, windows are responsible for more than ...+

Abgeschlossene Projekte

The project NEAT will bring forth a cost-efficient fabrication process for advanced nanoelectrode arrays suitable for (automatized) drug-screening using tissue models grown on a chip. Advanced cell array technologies (e.g. multielectrode arrays (MEAs) or planar patch-clamp) have emerged as novel sta ...+
The M3dRES project aims at establishing a unique infrastructure devoted to 3d-printing for medical research in a strongly interdisciplinary environment. M3dRES provides essential tools for personalized patient treatment, for the enhancement of medical imaging, for the acceleration of tissue engineer ...+
Das Ziel von LAMPION ist die Entwicklung von multifunktionellen, hybridenNanopartikeln mit sowohl magnetischen als auch plasmonischen Eigenschaften. Sie sollen als Nanosonden in der Immundiagnostik eingesetzt werden. Der innovative Durchbruch besteht in der zuverlässigen Produktion hybrider Nanopar ...+
Mikrofluidischen Mikrosystemen werden in biotechnischen und biomedizinischen Anwendungsfeldern eingesetzt. Vorteile der Technologie sind: geringen Probenmengen, Parallelisierung und Beschleunigung von Messvorgängen, Kostenreduktion im Messaufwand sowie Batch-Verfahren bis hin zu höherer Datengenau ...+
Für die Nanoimprint-Lithographie sind das Stempelmaterial, das Imprintmaterial und das Substrat von entscheidender Bedeutung. Das Forschungsprojekt NILmaterials ist ein Projekt im Rahmen des NILaustria-Clusters. PROFACTOR erforscht in dem Projekt Materialien die sich von den bislang verfügbaren Ma ...+
PROFACTOR erforscht im Projekt e-Paper wall gemeinsam mit sechs internationalen Projektpartnern Electrowetting-Technologien. Damit sollen energetisch hocheffiziente Anzeigelösungen realisiert werden. Elektrische Energie soll nur für das Umschalten der Bildinformation auf dem Displayerforderlich se ...+
Graphen – eine Atomlage Graphit (C) – zeichnet sich durch hervorragende physikalische, chemische und thermische Eigenschaften aus. Es ist mehr als 100 Mal  zugfester als Stahl sowie extrem wärme- und elektrizitätsleitend. Graphen kann unter anderem in der Elektronikindustrie zum Einsatz komme ...+
Die großflächige  Nanostrukturierung von Oberflächen ist eine zentrale Herausforderung für die Nanoimprint-Lithographie. Das Forschungsprojekt RollerNIL  hat das Ziel  komplexe optische Strukturen großflächig zu replizieren. Das soll mit Hilfe von Rolle-basierten Nanoimprintverfahren erm� ...+
Viele denkbare „intelligente Produkte“ sind mit momentan existierenden Produktionsmethoden nicht oder nicht kosteneffizient herzustellen. Dazu zählen unter anderem individualisierte (3D-gedruckte) Produkte mit direkt integrierten  Sensoren, LEDs, OLEDs, Displays etc.  Additive Fertigungsmetho ...+
Im Mittelpunkt des Projekts SolarTrap stehen stehen theoretische und experimentelle Studien zur Manipulation von Licht in organischen Halbleitern. In den letzten Jahrzehnten haben organische Halbleiter großes Interesse hervorgerufen, da eine zur einfachen und kostengünstigen Herstellung von leistu ...+


Profactor ist Mitglied in folgenden Forschungs- und Technologienetzwerken.


Unsere Senior Researcher sind in folgenden Research Commitees aktiv:


  • Atomic force Microscope, Bruker AFM Dimension Edge
  • Optical Microscope, Keyence VHX-5000
  • Profilometer, Veeco Dektak 150
  • Plasma Etcher, Plasma Cleaner, Diener NANO
  • Ellipsometer, Sentech
  • 3D Laser Scanning Microscope, Keyence VK-X3000
  • Contact Angle Measurement DSA100, Krüss Germany
  • UV/Vis Spectrometer
  • Angle dependent reflection and transmission characterization, inhouse built


M.J. Haslinger, O. S. Maier, M. Pribyl, P. Taus, S. Kopp, K. Hingerl, H.D. Wanzenboeck, M. Muehlberger, E. Guillen, Increasing the Stability of Isolated and Dense High Aspect Ratio Nanopillars Fabricated by UV Nanoimprint lithography, Nanomaterials 2023, 13(9), 1556; https://doi.org/10.3390/nano13091556

Julia Linert, Philipp Taus, Sonia Prado-López, Markus Pribyl, Samuele M. Dozio, Michael J. Haslinger, Elena guillen, Michael Muehlberger, Heinz D. Wanzenboeck, Combined masked LCD-printing and microfabrication for bioimpedance-chips, Micro- and Nanoengineering MNE16 (2022) 100159, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mne.2022.100159

M. Mühlberger (ed.), Nanoimprint Lithography – Technology and Applications, MDPI books ISBN 978-3-0365-4482-3 (Hbk); ISBN 978-3-0365-4481-6 (PDF) https://doi.org/10.3390/books978-3-0365-4481-6

J.Li, J.Liu, W.Huo, J.Yu, X.Liu, M.J.Haslinger, M.Muehlberger, P.Kulha, X.Huang, Micro and Nano Materials and Processing Techniques for Printed Bioresorbable Electronics, Materials Today Nano Volume 18, June 2022, 100201 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtnano.2022.100201

Markus Pribyl, Philipp Taus, Sonia Prado-López, Samuele M. Dozio, Werner Schrenk, Michael J. Haslinger, Sonja Kopp, Michael Mühlberger, Heinz D. Wanzenboeck, Dense High Aspect Ratio Nanostructures for Cell Chip Applications – Fabrication, Replication, and Cell interactions, Micro and Nano Engineering 15 (2022) 100121, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mne.2022.100121

Michael Mühlberger, Nanoimprinting of biomimetic nanostructures, Nanomanufacturing 2022, 2(1), 17-40; doi.org/10.3390/nanomanufacturing2010002 https://www.mdpi.com/2673-687X/2/1/2

Michael Mühlberger, Editorial for Special Issue: Nanoimprint Lithography Technology and Applications, Nanomaterials 2021, 11(9), 2413; https://doi.org/10.3390/nano11092413

Michael Mühlberger, Stephan Ruttloff, Dieter Nees, Amiya Moharana, Maria R. Belegratis, Philipp Taus, Sonja Kopp, Heinz Wanzenböck, Adrian Prinz and Daniel Fechtig, Nanoimprint replication of biomimetic, multilevel undercut nanostructures, Nanomaterials 2021, 11(4), 1051; https://doi.org/10.3390/nano11041051 https://www.mdpi.com/2079-4991/11/4/1051

P. Taus, A. Prinz, H. Wanzenboeck, P. Schuller, A. Tsenov, M. Schinnerl, M.M. Shawrav, M.Haslinger, M. Muehlberger, Mastering of NIL stamps with undercut T-shaped features from single layer to multilayer stamps, Nanomaterials 2021, 11(4), 956; https://doi.org/10.3390/nano11040956

Iris Prinz, Michael J. Haslinger, Michael Mühlberger, Gottfried Reiter, Adrian Prinz, Martina M. Schmidt, Thorsten Schaller, Maria Bauer, Maurizio Musso, Georg Bauer, Industrial View of Plasmonic Devices made by Nanoimprint or Injection Molding, Journal of Applied Physics 129, 130902 (2021); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0039152

Vaclav Prajzler, Vaclav Chlupaty, Milos Neruda, Pavel Kulha, Sonja Kopp and Michael Mühlberger, Optical Polymer Waveguides Fabricated by Roll-to-Plate Nanoimprinting Technique, Nanomaterials 2021, 11(3), 724; https://doi.org/10.3390/nano11030724

Hubert Brueckl, Astrit Shoshi, Stefan Schrittwieser, Barbara Schmid, Pia Schneeweiss, Tina Mitteramskogler, Michael Haslinger, Michael Muehlberger, Joerg Schotter, Nanoimprinted multifunctional nanoprobes for a homogeneous immunoassay: a top-down fabrication approach, Sci Rep 11, 6039 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-85524-8

Michael Haslinger *, Dmitry Sivun, Hannes Pöhl, Battulga Munkhbat, Michael Mühlberger, Thomas A. Klar, Markus C. Scharber, Calin Hrelescu,, Plasmon-assisted Direction- and Polarization-Sensitive Organic Thin-Film Detector,  Nanomaterials 2020, 10(9), 1866; https://doi.org/10.3390/nano10091866

M.J. Haslinger, T. Mitteramskogler, S. Kopp, H. Leichtfried, M. Messerschmidt, M.W. Thesen and M. Mühlberger, Development of a Soft UV-NIL Step&Repeat and Lift-Off Process Chain for High Speed Metal Nanomesh Fabrication, Nanotechnology 31 (2020) 345301

Amiya R. Moharana, Michael J. Haslinger, Helene M. Außerhuber, Tina Mitteramskogler, Michael M. Mühlberger, Multilayer Nanoimprinting to create hierarchical stamp masters for Nanoimprinting of optical micro- and nanostructures, Coatings 2020, 10, 301; doi:10.3390/coatings10030301

Stefan Schrittwieser, Michael J. Haslinger, Tina Mitteramskogler, Michael Muehlberger, Astrit Shoshi, Hubert Brueckl, Martin Bauch, Theodoros Dimopoulos, Barbara Schmid and Joerg Schotter, Multifunctional Nanostructures and Nanopocket Particles Fabricated by Nanoimprint Lithography, Nanomaterials 2019, 9(12), 1790; https://doi.org/10.3390/nano9121790

Michael J. Haslinger, Amiya R. Moharana and Michael Mühlberger, Antireflective Moth-Eyes Structures on Curved Surfaces fabricated by Nanoimprint Lithography, SPIE Proceedings Volume 11177, 35th European Mask and Lithography Conference (EMLC 2019); 111770K (2019) http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2535683

Tina Mitteramskogler, Michael J. Haslinger, Ambiörn Wennberg, Iván Fernandez-Martínez, Michael Muehlberger, Matthias Krause and Elena Guillén, Preparation and Characterization of Solar Thermal Absorbers by Nanoimprint Lithography and Sputtering, MRS Advances 2019, 4(35), 1905-1911. https://doi.org/10.1557/adv.2019.285

Conor O’Mahony, Andrea Bocchino, Michael J Haslinger, Stefan Brandstätter, Helene Außerhuber, Klaudia Schossleitner, A James P Clover and Daniel Fechtig, Piezoelectric inkjet coating of injection moulded, reservoir-tipped microneedle arrays for transdermal delivery, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering J. Micromech. Microeng. 29 085004 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6439/ab222b

Klaudia Schossleitner, Conor O’Mahony, Michael Haslinger, Stefan Brandstätter, Sabrina Demuth, Daniel Fechtig, Peter Petzelbauer, Differences in biocompatibility of microneedles from cyclic oleofin polymers with human endothelial and epithelial skin cells, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, Volume107, Issue3, March 2019, Pages 505-512, DOI: 10.1002/jbm.a.36565

Michael J. Haslinger, Tina Mitteramskogler, Astrit Shoshi, Jörg Schotter, Stefan Schrittwieser, Michael Mühlberger, and Hubert Brueckl, UV-Nil based fabrication of plasmon-magnetic nanoparticles for biomolecular sensing, Proc. SPIE 10722, Plasmonics: Design, Materials, Fabrication, Characterization, and Applications XVI, 107222O (19 September 2018); doi: 10.1117/12.2321036; https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2321036

Tina Mitteramskogler, Michael J. Haslinger, Astrit Shoshi, Stefan Schrittwieser, Joerg Schotter, Hubert Brueckl,Michael Muehlberger, Fabrication of nanoparticles for biosensing using UV-NIL and lift-off, Proc. SPIE 10775, 34th European Mask and Lithography Conference, 107750Y (19 September 2018); doi: 10.1117/12.2323700; https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2323700

Heinz D Wanzenboeck, Adrian Prinz, Philipp Taus, Patrick Schuller, Mostafa M Shawrav, Markus Schinnerl, Anton Tsenov, Michael Haslinger, Michael Muehlberger; Mastering of NIL stamps with undercut T-shaped features – from single layer to multilayer stamps, Microelectronic Engineerin

Muehlberger, M. J. Haslinger, J. Kurzmann, M. Ikeda, A. Fuchsbauer, T. Faury, T. Koepplmayr, H. Ausserhuber, J. Kastner, C. Woegerer, D. Fechtig; Function Follows Form: Combining Nanoimprint and Inkjet Printing, Proc. SPIE 10446, 33rd European Mask and Lithography Conference, 104460Z (28 September 2017); doi: 10.1117/12.2282503; http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2282503;

A. Shoshi, P. Schneeweiss, M. Haslinger, T. Glatzl, G. Kovács, J. Schinerl, M. Muehlberger and H. Brueckl; Biomolecular detection based on the rotational dynamics of magneto-plasmonic nanoparticles,  Proceedings of the Eurosensors 2017 Conference, Proceedings 2017, 1(4), 541; doi:10.3390/proceedings1040541

M.J. Haslinger, M.A. Verschuuren, R. van Brakel, J. Danzberger, I. Bergmair, M. Mühlberger; Stamp degradation for high volume UV enhanced substrate conformal imprint lithography (UV SCIL), Microelectronic Engineering Volume 153, 5 March 2016, Pages 66–70, doi: 10.1016/j.mee.2016.01.018

Lin Dong, Michael J. Haslinger, Jürgen Danzberger, Iris Bergmair, Kurt Hingerl, Calin Hrelescu, and Thomas A. Klar; Giant Cross Polarization in a Nanoimprinted Metamaterial Combining a Fishnet with its Babinet complement, Optics Express Vol. 23, Issue 15, pp. 19034-19046 (2015) •doi: 10.1364/OE.23.019034

Milka M. Jakovljević, Goran Isić, Babak Dastmalchi, Iris Bergmair, Kurt Hingerl and Radoš Gajić; Polarization-dependent optical excitation of gap plasmon polaritons through rectangular hole arrays, Appl. Phys. Lett. 106 (2015) 143106; [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4917510

Thomas Köpplmayr, Lukas Häusler, Iris Bergmair, Michael Mühlberger; Nanoimprint lithography on curved surfaces prepared by fused deposition modelling, Surf. Topogr.: Metrol. Prop. 3 (2015) 024003

Mühlberger, M. Rohn, J. Danzberger, E. Sonntag, A. Rank, L. Schumm, R. Kirchner, C. Forsich, S. Gorb, B. Einwögerer, E. Trappl, D. Heim, H. Schift, I. Bergmair; UV-NIL fabricated bio-inspired inlays for injection molding to influence the friction behaviour of ceramic surfaces, Microelectronic Engineering 141 (2015) 140-144 (free download for limited time here)

Kirchner, V. A. Guzenko, M. Rohn, E. Sonntag, M. Muehlberger, I. Bergmair, H. Schift; Bio-inspired 3D funnel structures made by grayscale electron-beam pattering and selective topography equilibration, Microelectronic Engineering 141 (2015) 107 – 111

Sabrina Weigl, Klaus Bretterbauer, Günter Hesser, Wolfgang Schöfberger, Christian Paulik; Synthesis, characterization, and description of influences on the stabilizing activity of antioxidant-functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes, Carbon 81 (2015) 305-331, [doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2014.09.061

Simon Waid, Heinz Wanzenböck, Michael Mühlberger, Marco Gavagnin, Emmerich Bertagnolli; Focused ion beam direct patterning of hardmask layers, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 32, 041602 (2014); [http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.4884777

Simon Waid, Heinz Wanzenböck, Michael Mühlberger, Marco Gavagnin, Emmerich Bertagnolli; Generation of 3D Nanopatterns with Smooth Surfaces, Nanotechnology 25 (2014) 315302. [doi:10.1088/0957-4484/25/31/315302

Dipu Borah, Claudia D. Simao, Ramsankar Senthamaraikannan, Sozaraj Rasappa, Achille Francone, Olivier Lorret, Mathieu Salaun, Barbara Kosmala, Nikolaos Kehagias, Marc Zelsmann, Clivia M. Sotomayor-Torres, Michael A. Morris; Soft-graphoepitaxy using nanoimprinted polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane substrates for the directed self-assembly of PS-b-PDMS, European Polymer Journal, Volume 49, Issue 11, November 2013, Pages 3512-3521

Simon Waid, Heinz D. Wanzenboeck, Marco Gavagnin, Ruppert Langegger, Michael Muehlberger, and Emmerich Bertagnolli; Focused ion beam induced Ga-contamination—An obstacle for UV-nanoimprint stamp repair?, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 31, 041602 (2013); [http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.4813025

Mathieu Salaun, Marc Zelsmann, Sophie Archambault, Dipu Borah, Nikolaos Kehagias, Claudia Simao, Olivier Lorret, Matthew T. Shaw, Clivia M. Sotomayor Torres and Mickael A. Morris; Fabrication of highly ordered sub-20nm silicon nanopillars by block copolymer lithography combined with resist design, J. Mater. Chem. C 1 (2013) 3544-3550 DOI: 10.1039/C3TC30300D

Thomas W. H. Oates, Babak Dastmalchi, Christian Helgert, Lars Reissmann, Uwe Huebner, Ernst-Bernhard Kley, Marc A. Verschuuren, Iris Bergmair, Thomas Pertsch, Kurt Hingerl, and Karsten Hinrichs; Optical activity in sub-wavelength metallic grids and fishnet metamaterials in the conical mount, Optical Materials Express 3(4) 439-451 (2013) [http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OME.3.000439

Michael Mühlberger, Hannes Fachberger, Iris Bergmair, Michael Rohn, Bernd Dittert, Rainer Schöftner, Thomas Rothländer, Dieter Nees, Ursula Palfinger, Anja Haase, Alexander Fian, Martin Knapp, Claudia Preininger, Gerald Kreindl, Michael Kast, Thomas Fromherz; Nanoimprint Activities in Austra in the research project cluster NILaustria, Proc. SPIE. 8352, 28th European Mask and Lithography Conference 83520O (April 16, 2012) doi: 10.1117/12.921324

Iris Bergmair, Wolfgang Hackl, Maria Losurdo, Christian Helgert, Goran Isic, Michael Rohn, Milka M Jakovljevic, Thomas Mueller, Maria Giangregorio, Ernst-Bernhard Kley, Thomas Fromherz, Rados Gajic, Thomas Pertsch, Giovanni Bruno and Michael Muehlberger; Nano- and microstructuring of graphene using UV-NIL, Nanotechnology 23 (2012) 335301 (6pp) doi:10.1088/0957-4484/23/33/335301

Simao, A. Francone, D. Borah, O. Lorret, M. Salaun, B. Kosmala, M. T. Shaw, B. Dittert, N. Kehagias, M. Zelsmann, M. A. Morris, and C. M. Sotomayor Torres,; Soft Graphoepitaxy of Hexagonal PS-b-PDMS on Nanopatterned POSS Surfaces fabricated by Nanoimprint Lithography, Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology 25(2) 239-244 (2012)

Waid, H.D. Wanzenboeck, M. Muehlberger, E. Bertagnolli; Optimization of 3D patterning by Ga implantation and reactive ion etching (RIE) for nanoimprint lithography (NIL) stamp fabrication, Microelectronic Engineering 97 (2012) 105-108 link

Lausecker, M. Grydlik, M. Brehm, I. Bergmiar, M. Mühlberger, T. Fromherz, G. Bauer; Anisotropic remastering for reducing features sizes on UV nanoimprint lithogrphy replica molds, Nanotechnology 23 (2012) 165302 (5pp)

Claudia Preininger, Ursula Sauer, Mustapha Chouiki, Rainer Schöftner; Nanostructures in protein chips: Effect of print buffer additive and wettability on immobilization and assay performance, Microelectronic Engineering 88 (2011) 1856-1859 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mee.2011.01.040

Nikolaos Kehagias, Marc Zelsmann, Mustapha Chouiki, Achille Francone, Vincent Reboud, Rainer Schoeftner, Clivia Sotomayor Torres; Low temperature direct imprint of polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) resist, Microelectronic Engineering 88 (2011) 1997-1999;   [http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mee.2011.02.047

I Bergmair, B Dastmalchi, M Bergmair, A Saeed, W Hilber, G Hesser, C Helgert, E Pshenay-Severin, T Pertsch, E B Kley, U Hübner, N H Shen, R Penciu, M Kafesaki, C M Soukoulis, K Hingerl, M Muehlberger and R Schoeftner; Single and multilayer metamaterials fabricated by nanoimprint lithography, Nanotechnology 22 (2011) 325301 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0957-4484/22/32/325301

Muehlberger, M. Boehm, I. Bergmair, M. Chouiki, R. Schoeftner, G. Kreindl, M. Kast, D. Treiblmayr, T. Glinsner, R. Miller, E. Platzgummer, H. Loeschner, P. Joechl, S. Eder-Kapl, T. Narzt, E. Lausecker, T. Fromherz; Nanoimprint lithography from CHARPAN Tool exposed master stamps with 12.5 nm hp, Microelectronic Engineering 88 (2011) 2070–2073;    [http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mee.2008.11.020

Lausecker, M. Brehm, M. Grydlik, F. Hackl, I. Bergmair, M. Mühlberger, T. Fromherz, F. Schäffler, and G. Bauer; UV nanoimprint lithography for the realization of large-area ordered SiGe/Si(001) island arrays, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 143101 (2011);    [http://link.aip.org/link/doi/10.1063/1.3575554

Iris Bergmair, Michael Mühlberger, Kurt Hingerl, Ekaterina Pshenay-Severin, Thomas Pertsch, Ernst Bernhard Kley, Holger Schmidt, Rainer Schöftner; 3D materials made of gold using Nanoimprint Lithography, Microelectronic Engineering 87 (2010) 1008-1010

Bergmair, M. Mühlberger, E. Lausecker, K. Hingerl and R. Schöftner; Diffusion of thiols during microcontact printing with rigid stamps, Microelectronic Engineering 87 (5-8) 2010,848-850

Jannesary, I. Bergmair, S. Zamiri, K. Hingerl; Nano-silicon based photonic crystal stamps with electron beam lithography (EBL) technology, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7643, 76431X (2010)

Wanzenböck, S. Waid, E. Bertagnolli, M. Mühlberger, I. Bergmair, R. Schöftner; NIL stamp modification utilizing focused ion beams, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 27 (6) 2009 2679-2685

Bergmair, M. Mühlberger, W. Schwinger, K. Hingerl, E.-B. Kley, H. Schmidt, R. Schöftner; Reversal µCP using hard stamps, Microelectronic Engineering 86 (4-6) 2009 650-653

Klukowska, A. Kolander, I. Bergmair, M. Mühlberger, H. Leichtfried, F. Reuther, G. Grützner, R. Schöftner; Novel transparent hybrid polymer working stamp for UV-imprinting, Microelectronic Engineering 86 (4-6) 2009 697-699

Mühlberger, I. Bergmair, A. Klukowska, A. Kolander, H. Leichtfried, E. Platzgummer, H. Löschner; UV-NIL with working stamps made from Ormostamp, Microelectronic Engineering 86 (4-6) 2009 691-693

M.T. Troya, F. Rubio, M.J. Prieto, D. Lorenzo, J.L. Fernández-Cabo, R. Schöftner; Natural durability of reed (Phragmites australis) against wood decay organisms: relation to other forest species, Investigación Agraria, Sistemas y Recursos Forestales 18 (3) 2009

Haubner, W. Schwinger, J. Haring, R. Schöftner; Sol-gel preparation of catalyst particles on substrates for hot-filament CVD nanotube deposition, Diamond and Related Materials 17 (7-10) 2008 1452-1457

I.Bergmair, M. Mühlberger, M. Gusenbauer, R. Schöftner, Kurt Hingerl; Equalising stamp and substrate deformations in solid parallel-plate UV-based nanoimprint lithography, Microelectronic Engineering 85 (5-6) 2008 822-824

Schwinger, E. Lausecker, I. Bergmair, M. Grydlik, T. Fromherz, C. Hasenfuß, R. Schöftner; Fabrication of nano-gold islands with [mu]m spacing using 2.5 dimensional PDMS stamps, Microelectronic Engineering 85 (5-6) 2008 1346-1349

E Lausecker, W Schwinger, I Bergmair, M Mühlberger and R Schöftner; Large area μm and sub-μm structuring of gold layers with microcontact printing using 4″ and 1″ PDMS stamps, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 100 (2008) 052024

W Schwinger, J Haring, A Jantscher, R Haubner, I Gerger, M Bodnarchuk, M Kovalenko, W Heiss and R Schöftner; Preparation of catalytic nano-particles and growth of aligned CNTs with HF-CVD, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 100 (2008) 052092

I Bergmair, M Mühlberger, M Gusenbauer, R Schöftner, T Glinsner, and K Hingerl; Effects of a compliant layer in solid parallel-plate UV-based nanoimprint lithography, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 100 (2008) 042001

Anna Klukowska, Marko Vogler, Anett Kolander, Freimut Reuther, Gabi Gruetzner, Michael Muehlberger, Iris Bergmair, Rainer Schoeftner; Alternative Approach to Transparent Stamps for UV-based Nanoimprint Lithography – Techniques and Materials, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6792 67920J-1

Mühlberger, I. Bergmair, W. Schwinger, M. Gmainer, R. Schöftner, T. Glinsner, Ch. Hasenfuß, K. Hingerl, M. Vogler, H. Schmidt, E.B. Kley; A Moire method for high accuracy alignment in nanoimprint lithography, Microelectronic Engineering 84 (5-8) 2007 925-927

Glinsner, P. Lindner, M. Mühlberger, I. Bergmair, R. Schöftner, K. Hingerl, H. Schmid, E.-B. Kley; Fabrication of 3D-photonic crystals via UV-nanoimprint lithography, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 25 (2007) 2337

Grigaliunas, S. Tamulevicius, M. Mühlberger, G. Mittendorfer, T. Glinsner, G. Zakas, S. Meskinis, A. Guobiene, A. Palevicius, G. Janusas; Imprint lithography for large scale angular encoders, Materials Science 13 Issue 2 (2007) 103-106

Vogler, S. Wiedenberg, M. Mühlberger, I. Bergmair, T. Glinsner, H. Schmidt, E. Kley, G. Grützner; Development of a novel, low-viscosity UV-curable polymer system for UV-nanoimprint lithography, Microelectronic Engineering 84 5-8 (2007) 984-988

Mehnen, E. Kaniusas, J. Kosel, H. Pfützner, T. Meydan, M. Vazquez, M. Rohn, A.M. Merlo, B. Marquardt, S. Sauermann; Functional electrical stimulation monitoring by bending sensitive magnetostrictive bilayer sensors, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 25 Number 1-4 (2007) 485-488

Kosel, H. Pfützner, S. Traxler, E. Kaniusas, L. Mehnen, T. Meydan, M. Vazquez, M. Rohn, A.M. Merlo, B. Marquardt; Contactless detection of bending sensitive magnetostrictive bilayers utilizing higher harmonics, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics Volume 25, Number 1-4 (2007)

Vázquez, G. Badini, K. Pirota, J. Torrejón, A. Zhukov, A. Torcunov, H. Pfützner, M. Rohn, A. Merlo, B. Marquardt, T. Meydan; Applications of amorphous microwires in sensing technologies, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics Volume 25, Number 1-4 (2007)

Pfützner, E. Kaniusas, J. Kosel, L. Mehnen, T. Meydan, F. Borza, M. Vázquez, M. Rohn, A.M. Merlo, B. Marquardt; First magnetic materials with sensitivity for the physical quantity “curvature”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 181 Issues 1-3 (2007) 186-189

Grigaliūnas, S. Tamulevičius, M. Mühlberger, D. Jucius, A. Guobienė, V. Kopustinskas, A. Gudonytė; Nanoimprint Lithography Using IR Laser Irradiation, Applied Surface Science 253 Issue 2 (2006) 646-650

Kaniusas, H. Pfützner, L. Mehnen, J. Kosel, G. Varoneckas, A. Alonderis, T. Meydan, M. Vázquez, M.Rohn, A.M. Merlo, B. Marquardt; Magnetoelastic bilayer concept for skin curvature sensor, Ultragarsas („Ultrasound“ in Lithuanian) 52 Issue 3 (2004) 42-46

Schöftner, W. Buchberger; Systematic investigations of different capillary electrophoretic techniques for separation of methylquinolines, Journal of Separation Science 26 Issue 14 (2003) 1247-1252

Schöftner, W. Buchberger; Review: Determination of low-molecular-mass quternary ammonium compounds by capillary electrophoresis and hyphenation with mass spectrometry, Electrophoresis 24 Issue 12-13 (2003) 2111-2118

M. Mühlberger et al., Going 3D: Nanoimprinting and complex geometries, MNC2019, Hiroshima, Japan

M. Haslinger et al., Magneto-plasmonic nanoparticles for biomolecular sensing fabricated by UV-NIL, NILindustrialday 2019, Aachen, Germany

M. Mühlberger et al., Nanoimprinting on curved surfaces for applications in optics and life sciences, nanonet.at meeting 2018, Austria

M. Haslinger et al., 3D Printed Microneedles for Drug Delivery and Sensor Applications, advanced 3d patterning 2017, Dresden, Germany

M. Mühlberger et al., Nanostructuring of 3D Objects – function follows form, D-SPA workshop 2017, Barcelona, Spain

M. Mühlberger et al., Nanostructuring of 3D Objects – Status, Challenges and Vision, MTA-Cranfield Surface Engineering and Applied nanotechnology: Open One-day Conference 2017, Cranfield, UK

Mühlberger et al.; NIL and additive manufacturing – a vision, MNE2016

Mühlberger; Nanoimprinting for Life Sciences, SAMOSS Summerschool 2016

Faury et al.; Nanofabrication at Profactor, Nanopia 2015

Mühlberger et al.; Mikro- und Nanostrukturierung von Oberflächen im Kontext der additiven Fertigung, 4. Smart Textiles Symposium, Internet of Textile Things

I. Bergmair et al.; Nanoimprint Lithography for applications in optics, life sciences and electronics,

M. Mühlberger, L. Häusler, E. Lausecker, J. Danzberger, B. Einwögerer, T. Müller, W. Hackl, M. Glaser, F. Schäffler, T. Fromherz, I. Bergmair; Nanoimprinting for optoelectronic device applications, SUSS Technology Forum Nanoimprint

Mühlberger; Nanofabrication Technologies for Scaled Roll-to-Roll and Print Manufacturing, An Academic-Industry Workshop on Technologies for U.S.-EU Collaborations on Nanofabrication Technologies for Scaled Roll-to-Roll and Print Manufacturing

Mühlberger, O. Lorret, I. Bergmair, J. Kastner, B. Einwögerer; Functional Nanomaterials for Nanoimprint Lithography, CHInano 2013

S. Schrittwieser et al., Magneto-plasmonic nanostructures and nanopocket particles fabricated by nanoimprint lithography, ANNIC 2019, Paris, France

T. Mitteramskogler et al.,Solar Absorber by Nanoimprint Lithography and Sputter Deposition, NNT 2018, Boston, USA

M. Mühlberger, A. Moharana et al., Multilayer Multimaterial Nanoimprinting combined with Inkjet Printing, NNT 2018, Boston, USA

A. Shosho et al., Imprinted nanoparticles with magnetic and plasmon-optical properties for biomolecular diagnostics, MNE2019, Rhodes, Greece

M. Haslinger et al., Antireflective Moth-Eyes Structures on Freeform Surfaces fabricated by Nanoimprint Lithography, MNE2019, Rhodes, Greece

M. Haslinger et al., Nanoimprinting of Antireflective Moth-Eyes on Freeform Surfaces, EMLC 2019, Dresden, Germany

T. Mitteramskogler et al., Preparation and characterization of solar thermal absorbers by nanoimprint lithography and sputtering, MRS spring meeting 2019, Phoenix, USA

C. O’Mahoney et al., Characterisation of microneedle-based ECG electrodes fabricated using an industrial injection-moulding process, MEMS 2019, Seoul, Korea

E. Guillén, Surface micro-nano patterning of 3D printed parts, Additive Manufacturing in Medicine – 1st Symposium, 2018, Vienna, Austria

M. Haslinger et al., Nanostructuring of complex surface presented on 3D printed Implants and lenses, euspen Special Interest Group Meeting : Structured & Freeform Surfaces, Paris, France

I. Prinz et al., Realization of Butterfly Colours by Imprinting of Undercut Features, MNC2018, Sapporo, Japan

M. Haslinger et al., 3D-Nil on optical elements, Add+it 2018, Steyr, Austria

M. Haslinger et al., Nanostructuring of complex surface presented on 3D printed implants and lenses, NNT2018, Braga, Portugal

E. Guillén, M. Mühlberger et al., Nanoimprint Lithography on 3D printed implants, MNE 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark

M. Mühlberger et al., Nanoimprint replication of complex and undercut bioinspired nanostructures, NILindustrialday 2018, Vienna, Austria

A. Haase et al., Nanoimprint replication of T-shaped nanostructures, nanoFIS, Leoben, Austria

M. Haslinger, A. Moharana et al., Digital reversal nanoimprinting on curved surfaces, NNT2017, Boston, USA

A. Shoshi et al., Biomolecular detection based on the rotational dynamics of magneto-plasmonic nanoparticles, Eurosensors 2017, Paris, France

H.D. Wanzenböck, Nanoimprinting of 3D, undercut structures – unsolvable challenge or feasible route to 3D fabrication?, EIPBN2017, Orlando, USA

M. Mühlberger et al., Function Follows Form: Combining Nanoimprint and Inkjet Printing, NILindustrialday 2017, Berlin, Germany

M. J. Haslinger et al., Micro Injection Molding of 3D printed Micro Needles, PRN 2017, Aachen, Germany

Fuchsbauer et al., Surface Finishing and Functionalization of 3D Printed Parts with Nanoimprint Lithography and Inkjet Printing, Advanced Materials China

Mühlberger et al.; Digital Printing on 3D Printed Surfaces, Add+it 2016

J. Haslinger, T. Köpplmayr, T. Faury, T. Fischinger, L. Häusler and M. Mühlberger; Soft nanoimprint lithography on 3D printed curved surfaces, NNT2016

Mühlberger, H. Außerhuber, L. Häusler, M. Behrens, S. Wögerer, H. Fachberger, T. Lederer, S. Ruttloff, D. Nees, A. Prinz, P. Taus, M. Schinnerl, H. D. Wanzenboeck, J.-P. Perrin, M. Panholzer, K. Hingerl, C. Neuhauser; UV-based Nanoimprint Lithography of T-shaped Nanostructures, NNT2016

Mühlberger, S. Ruttloff, A. Prinz, P. Taus, J.-P. Perrin, C. Neuhauser, M. Behrens, H. Ausserhuber, L. Häusler, S. Wögerer, M. Panholzer, H. Wanzenböck; Nanoimprint Lithography of T-shaped Nanostructures, MNE2016

Andreas Tröls, Bernhard Jakoby, Leif Yde, Jan Stensborg, Thomas Voglhuber, Wolfgang Hackl, Michael Mühlberger, Thomas Lederer, Thomas Fischinger; Roll to plate production of gravity driven, micro fluidic sensors based on electrowetting on dielectrics, MNE2016

Hybride Fertigung; M. Mühlberger et al., ISS „Die Zukunft der Produktion“

Leif Yde, Jan Stensborg, Thomas Voglhuber, Wolfgang Hackl, Helene Außerhuber, Stephanie Wögerer, Lars Lindvold, Thomas Fischinger, Michael Mühlberger; A Roll-to-Plate UV-nanoimprint tool for micro and nano-optical applications, EMLC216

Mühlberger et al.; Nanoimprinting and Additive Manufacturing – An interesting combination?, NILindustrialday2016

Köpplmayr, M. Maslinger, M. Mühlberger; Nanoimprinting on 3D printed surfaces,

Lin Dong, Michael J. Haslinger, Jürgen Danzberger, Iris Bergmair, Kurt Hingerl, Calin Hrelescu, and Thomas A. Klar; Giant Cross Polarization in a Nanoimprinted Metamaterial Combining a Fishnet with its Babinet complement, SPIE Photonics West

Mühlberger; Additive Micro- and Nanomanufacturing, Add+it 2015

M.J. Haslinger, J. Danzberger, T.A. Klar, C. Hrelescu, I Bergmair; Optical characterization of large area metamaterials fabricated using UV-based nanoimprint lithography, Metamaterials 2015

Häusler, T. Köpplmayr, T. Faury, T. Fischinger, J. Danzberger, T. Voglhuber, M. Haslinger and M. Mühlberger; Challenges for Nanoimprinting for Additive Manufacturing and on Complex Surfaces, NILindustrialday 2015

Bergmair, U. Palfinger, T. Glinsner, M. Mühlberger; Opportunities for nanoimprinting – the Austrian perspective,

Marco Lindner, Julia Kastner, Eva Sevcsik, Martin Fölser, Gerhard Schütz and Iris Bergmair; nano-patterning of proteins to study molecular interactions of in vivo membrane proteins, nanofis

T. Köpplmayr, L. Häusler, I. Bergmair, M. Mühlberger; Nanoimprint Lithography on Freeform Surfaces prepared by Fused Deposition Modeling, euSPEN Special Interest Group Meeting Structured and Freeform Surfaces

M. Mühlberger et al.; Nanostructuring using Nanoimprint Lithography, nanoNET.at meeting

Häusler, B. Einwögerer, W. Hackl, T. Fromherz, M. Losurdo, G. Bruno, N. Rupesinghe, S. Schuler, M. Furchi, T. Müller, B. Kley, W. Rockstroh, I. Bergmair, M. Mühlberger; Parallel fabrication of graphene-based devices by UV-NIL, NNT2014

Kirchner, H. Schift, M. Rohn, I. Bergmair, M. Mühlberger; Fabrication of biomimetic replications masters and mobility based full 3D reflow simulation, NNT2014

L. Häusler, B. Einwögerer, W. Hackl, T. Fromherz, M. Losurdo, G. Bruno, N. Rupesinghe, S. Schuler, M. Furchi, T. Müller, B. Kley, W. Rockstroh, M. Mühlberger, I. Bergmair; Parallel fabrication of graphene-based devices by Ultraviolet Nanoimprint Lithography, MNE 2014 – The 40 th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering

L. Häusler, J. Danzberger, B. Einwögerer, I. Bergmair, M. Mühlberger, M. Humer, R. Guider, E. Lausecker, T. Fromherz; Cloning of a fully functional Si-based photonic integrated circuit by ultraviolet nanoimprint lithography, EIPBN 2014

Lausecker Elisabeth, Danzberger Jürgen, Häusler Lukas, Bergmair Iris, Mühlberger Michael, Glaser Martin, Schäffler Friedrich, Fromherz Thomas; 4 inch ultraviolet nanoimprint lithography for the detailed understanding of silicon-germanium island nucleation on pit-patterned silicon substrates, MNE2013

B. Unterauer, M. Rohn, M. Mühlberger; Characterization of Functionalized, Magnetic Nanoparticles, nanoBio&Med2013

Michael Mühlberger, Hannes Fachberger, Iris Bergmair, Michael Rohn, Bernd Dittert, Rainer Schöftner, Christian Wögerer, Thomas Rothländer, Dieter Nees, Alexander Fian, Ursula Palfinger, Anja Haase, Martin Knapp, Claudia Preininger, Gerald Kreindl, Michael Kast, Thomas Fromherz; Nanoimprint Activities in Austria in the Research Project Cluster NILaustria, NILindustrialday2013

Bergmair, O. Lorret, B. Unterauer, B. Einwögerer, A. Rank, B. Dittert, M. Rohn, M. Mühlberger; Micro- and nanostructures fabricated by NIL for applications in optics, lifesciences and self-organisation, NILindustrialday2013

Olivier Lorret, Julia Kastner, Bernd Dittert, Mathieu Salaün, Marc Zelsmann, Barbara Kosmala, Michael A. Morris, Michael Mühlberger; Multi-functionalized Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane (POSS): Promising Materials for surface chemistry., Hybrid Materials 2013

Leif Yde, Jan Stensborg, Thomas Voglhuber, Wolfgang Hackl, Helene Außerhuber, Stephanie Wögerer, Lars Lindvold, Thomas Fischinger, Michael Mühlberger; Roll-to-Plate UV-Nanoimprinting for Micro and Nano-Optics, NNT2016

M.J. Haslinger, H. Leichtfried, M. Messerschmidt, M.W. Thesen, L. Häusler and M. Mühlberger; Metal nano-pattern fabrication by applying a soft UV-NIL resist onto a neutral developable lift-off layer, NNT2016

Mühlberger, M. J. Haslinger, T. Köpplmayr, A. Fuchsbauer, M. Ikeda, L. Häusler, H. Außerhuber, T. Faury, K. Bretterbauer, H. Leichtfried, V. Tober, T. Voglhuber, P. Meyer-Heye, M. Ankerl, S. Zambal, C. Wögerer, T. Lederer, H. Fachberger; Could Nanoimprinting and Additive Manufacturing be an Interesting Combination?, NNT2016

Leif Yde, Jan Stensborg, Thomas Voglhuber, Wolfgang Hackl, Helene Außerhuber, Stephanie Wögerer, Lars Lindvold, Thomas Fischinger, Michael Mühlberger; A Roll-to-Plate UV-nanoimprint tool for micro and nano-optical applications, MNE2016

M.J. Haslinger, H. Leichtfried, M. Messerschmidt, M.W. Thesen, L. Häusler and M. Mühlberger; Metal nano-pattern fabrication by applying a soft UV-NIL resist onto a neutral developable lift-off layer, MNE2016

Häusler, M. Haslinger et al.,; Direct fabrication of plasmon-magnetic nanoparticles for biomolecular sensing by UV-NIL and lift-off, MNE2016

Shoshi, J. Schinerl, G. Kovacs, T. Glatzl, L. Häusler, M. Haslinger, M. Mühlberger, H. Brückl; Optical observation of the rotational dynamics of plasmon-magnetic nanoparticles for biomolecular sensing, MNE2016

Köpplmayr, L. Häusler, M. Mühlberger; Influence of stamp properties during imprinting on 3D printed surfaces, Micro and Nanoengineering 2015 MNE 2015

J. Haslinger, M. Verschuuren, R. van Brakel, J. Danzberger, I. Bergmair, M. Mühlberger; Stamp degradation and lifetime for UV-Curing Sol-Gel resist based SCIL, Nanoprint and Nanoimprint Technology 2015 NNT 2015

Mühlberger, A. Prinz, P. Taus, H. Ausserhuber, J. Danzberger, H. Wanzenböck; Investigation of stamp materials for the UV-NIL replication of T-shaped nanostructures, Nanoprint and Nanoimprint Technology 2015 NNT 2015

Limbeck, E. Weigl, C. Feyrer, T. Fischinger, J. Danzberger, T. Voglhuber, J. Korak, M. Mühlberger; Material flow tracking during UV-NIL step&repeat stamp replication, Nanoprint and Nanoimprint Technology 2015 NNT 2015

Köpplmayr, L. Häusler, M. Mühlberger; The influence of stamp properties during imprinting on 3D printed curved surfaces, Nanoprint and Nanoimprint Technology 2015 NNT 2015

Michael Mühlberger, Michael J. Haslinger, Michael Jurisch, Jürgen Danzberger, Thomas Fischinger, Mathias Irmscher; Mesa working stamps fabricated from borderless mesa masters for step&repeat UV-NIL stamp replication, Nanoprint and Nanoimprint Technology 2015 NNT 2015

Martin Fölser, Marco Lindner, Julia Kastner, Eva Sevcsik, Iris Bergmair, Bernd Dittert, Gerhard Schütz; Pushing micropatterning to the nanoscale, Linz Winter Workshop 2015

Lin Dong, Michael Haslinger, Calin Hrelescu, Jürgen Danzberger, Iris Bergmair and Thomas A. Klar; Plasmonic Mode Coupling in a Nanoimprinted Metamaterial, Nanometa 2015

Danzberger Jürgen, Panholzer Martin, Obermayr Markus, Hingerl Kurt and Bergmair Iris; Surface Modification of Mg Materials based on Ultra Violet Imprint Lithography for Faster Kinetics in H2 De- and Absorption, MH2014

Danzberger, L. Häusler, E. Lausecker, I. Bergmair, M. Glaser, F. Schäffler, T. Fromherz, M. Mühlberger; Large-area ultraviolet nanoimprint lithography for the detailed understanding of silicon-germanium island growth on pit-patterned silicon substrates, NNT2014

Haslinger, L. Häusler, K. Bretterbauer, I. Bergmair, M. Mühlberger; The influence of surface energies on the working stamp fabrication for UV-based Nanoimprint Lithography, NNT2014

Danzberger, M. Haslinger, T. Fischinger, L. Häusler, B. Einwögerer, K. Bretterbauer, T. Faury, W. Hackl, I. Bergmair, M. Mühlberger; Influencing factors for the fabrication of square working stamps for UV-based Nanoimprint Lithography, NNT2014

Lindner, J. Kastner, O. Lorret, E. Sevcsik, M. Fölser, G. Schütz, I. Bergmair; Nanoscale Patterning of Proteins for Understanding Molecular Interactions of Membrane Proteins In Living T-Cells, NNT2014

Rohn, J. Danzberger, E. Sonntag, C. Forsich, R. Kirchner, A. Rank, B. Einwögerer, M. Mühlberger, E. Trappl, D. Heim, H. Schift, I. Bergmair; UV-NIL fabricated bio-inspired inlays for injection molding to influence the friction behaviour of ceramic surfaces, MNE 2014 – The 40 th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering

Kirchner, H. Schift, M. Rohn, E. Sonntag, M. Mühlberger; Bio-inspired 3D funnel structures made by electron-beam pre-patterning and thermal self-perfection, MNE 2014 – The 40 th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering

Danzberger, M. Lindner, S. Kopp, M. Panholzer, M. Obermayr, K. Hingerl and I. Bergmair; Surface Modification of Mg Materials Based on Ultra Violet Imprint Lithography for Faster Kinetics in H2 De- and Absorption, MNE 2014 – The 40 th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering

Danzberger, L. Häusler, E. Lausecker, I. Bergmair, M. Glaser, F. Schäffler, T. Fromherz, M. Mühlberger; Large-area ultraviolet nanoimprint lithography for the detailed understanding of silicon-germanium island growth on pit-patterned silicon substrates, MNE 2014 – The 40 th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering

Haslinger, L. Häusler, K. Bretterbauer, M. Mühlberger, I. Bergmair; The influence of wetting behaviour on the working stamp fabrication for UV-based Nanoimprint Lithography, MNE 2014 – The 40 th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering

Marco Lindner, Julia Kastner, Olivier Lorret, Eva Sevcsik, Martin Fölser, Gerhard Schütz, Iris Bergmair; Nanoscale patterning of proteins, MNE 2014 – The 40 th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering

Lukas Häusler, Barbara Einwögerer, Wolfgang Hackl, Thomas Fromherz, Maria Losurdo, Giovanni Bruno, Nalin Rupesinghe, Christoph Giesen, Michael Heuken, Thomas Müller, Ernst-Bernhard Kley, Werner Rockstroh, Michael Mühlberger and Iris Bergmair; Fabrication of graphene-based devices by Ultraviolet Nanoimprint Lithography, EIPBN 2014

Jürgen Danzberger, Lukas Häusler, Iris Bergmair, Michael Mühlberger, Elisabeth Lausecker, Martin Glaser, Friedrich Schäffler and Thomas Fromherz; Large-area ultraviolet nanoimprint lithography for the detailed understanding of silicon-germanium island nucleation on pit-patterned silicon substrates, EIPBN 2014

Barbara Unterauer, Julia Kastner, Christina Manner, Olivier Lorret, Bernd Dittert, Gerhard Schütz, Michael Mühlberger; Novel NIL material: Investigation on forces between stamp material and protein, Linz WinterWorkshop 2014

Iris Bergmair, Barbara Einwögerer, Barbara Unterauer, Andreas Rank, Michael Mühlberger, Manuela Wagner, Manfred Koranda, Adrian Prinz, Georg Bauer; Selective epoxy functionalization of patterned polystyrene for bioscience applications, MNE2013

Lorret, E. Lausecker, L. Häusler, B. Einwogerer, I. Bergmair, T. Fromherz, M. Mühlberger; Si etching with imprinted POSS structures, MNE2013

Rohn, A. Rank, J. Danzberger, B. Einwögerer M. Mühlberger, D. Heim, C. Forsich, E. Sonntag, E. Trappel; UV-NIL replicates as mold inlays for Powder Injection Molding, NNT2013

Lorret, L. Häusler, B. Einwögerer, M. Mühlberger, E. Lausecker, T. Fromherz; POSS resists with high etching resistance, NNT2013

Häusler, R. Guider, E. Lausecker, M. Humer, J. Danzberger, B. Einwögerer, O. Lorret, I. Bergmair, M. Mühlberger, T. Fromherz; Cloning of Si waveguides and resonators by nanoimprint technology, NNT2013

Lausecker, F. Hackl, M. Glaser, R. Jannesari, F. Schäffler, T. Fromherz, I. Bergmair, M. Mühlberger; Si photonic crystal with aligned SiGe islands, NNT2013

Danzberger, B. Einwögerer, L. Häusler, I. Bergmair, M. Mühlberger, E. Lausecker, M. Glaser, F. Schäffler, T. Fromherz; Large area UV-nanoimprint lithography patterning on silicon – substrates for the investigation of quantum dots growth, NNT2013

Iris Bergmair, Barbara Einwögerer, Wolfgang Hackl, Thomas Fromherz, Maria Losurdo, Giovanni Bruno, Nalin Rupesinghe, Christoph Giesen, Michael Heuken, Thomas Müller, Bernhard Kley, Werner Rockstroh, Michael Mühlberger; Nanoimprint Lithography for Fabrication of Graphene based Devices, NNT2013

Julia Kastner, Iurii Gnatiuk, Barbara Unterauer, Olivier Lorret, Iris Bergmair, Barbara Einwögerer, Michael Rohn, Dieter Holzinger, Michael Mühlberger; Liquid Phase Exfoliation of Graphite in Alcohols: Fabrication of Graphene/Graphite Flakes, NNT2013

M. Rohn, A. Rank, D. Heim, C. Forsich, E. Sonntag, E. Trappl; UV-NIL replicates as mold inlays for Ceramic Injection Molding, HARMNST 2013

J. Kastner, O. Lorret, A. Rank, B. Dittert, R. Schöftner, C. Schwarzinger, M. Mühlberger; Epoxy-Acid Bi-functionalized Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes as Stamp Material for Nanocontact Printing Application, Hybrid Materials 2013

B. Unterauer, M. Rohn, M. Mühlberger; Nanoparticle Characterization with AFM, Linz WinterWorkshop 2013

Ihr Ansprechpartner

Dr. Michael Mühlberger
Senior Scientist

+43 7252 885 253