Heart failure (HF) is the leading cause of death in Western countries and increasingly challenged by the shortage of donor organs.
Contemporary mechanical circulatory support (MCS) devices promote survival and improve quality of life for many HF patients. Rotodynamic blood pumps (RBP) used as left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) constitute the largest proportion of clinically used MCS devices. Durable LVADs support the failing heart by pumping blood from the ventricle to the aorta, thereby reducing the ventricular workload. The success of available RBP systems is tainted by severe hemocompatibility related adverse events, such as bleeding events and thromboembolic complications. Only 20% of all RBP recipients remain free from such life threatening major adverse events, one-year post-implantation.
To date, the medical device industry has focused primarily on the development of LVADs for the adult population. Currently, there is no clinically approved durable RBP in the medical sector that is specifically designed for pediatric use.
OPTIFLOW 3D aims at the development of a novel two-stage rotodynamic blood pump for pediatric patients.
New ceramic materials and 3D manufacturing processes (3D printing and 3D NIL) are used to optimize flow conditions with the aim of significantly reduced blood trauma, thrombogenicity and associated hemocompatibility-related adverse effects. Ceramic 3D printing, combined with precise monitoring of the shape and surface, will permit enhanced control of complex geometries and corrections of any shrinkage during sintering, helps to increase the reliability of the entire process chain.
The 3D-NIL surface functionalization aims to increase the surface quality and to optimize the hydrodynamics and cell growth properties by means of nano- and microstructures (e.g. riblets or similar) mastered by two-photon polymerization 3D printing (2PP). Supported by advanced CFD flow simulations of the near wall flow conditions and subsequent experimental validation, with iteratively optimized blood pumps as well as thrombus-on-a-chip devices, OPTIFLOW 3D will provide unprecedented insights into health effects of microstructured surfaces regarding hemocompatibility and endothelialization of additively manufactured ceramic materials. This technology bears the unique potential to enhance hemocompatibility of all blood-wetted cardiovascular devices.
The novel miniaturized pump approach addresses the unmet medical need of smaller patients in terms of anatomic compatibility. This technology may improve the outcome not only in pediatric patients but also in patients of smaller body size. In addition, OPTIFLOW 3D not only develops the novel combined additive ceramic manufacturing and micro structuring process incl. algorithmic monitoring and control but also builds a fundament for a number of valuable medical components which are in contact with blood or bloodlike fluids.
Profactor is the project coordinator of the consortium consisting of the Department of Cardiac Surgery of the Medical University of Vienna, the Department of Biomedical Engineering of the Medical University of Vienna, upnano GmbH, Lithoz GmbH, the Austian Institute of Technology and bionic surface technology GmbH.
Project Facts
Project Name
OptiFlow3D – Optimized Hydrodynamic Flow Behaviour by Selective Surface Structuring of Ceramic 3D Printed Rotodynamic Blood Pumps
Produktion der Zukunft, Produktion der Zukunft, PdZ – 2021 – https://projekte.ffg.at/projekt/4303675
01.04.2022 – 30.09.2025
Project Partners
- PROFACTOR GmbH (coordinator) – www.profactor.at
- UpNano GmbH – http://www.upnano.at
- Lithoz GmbH – http://www.lithoz.com
- Bionic surface technologies GmbH – http://www.bionicsurface.com
- Medizinische Universität Wien – http://www.meduniwien.ac.at
- AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH – http://www.ait.ac.at
In the press
- Forschende arbeiten an winzigen Blutpumpen für schwache Kinderherzen – derStandard, 6. November 2024
Journal Publications
- Michael J. Haslinger, Sonja Kopp, Viktorija Jonaityte, Amiya Moharana, Helene Außerhuber, and Michael M. Mühlberger „Direct patterning of functional materials using nanoimprint lithography„, Proc. SPIE 12802, 38th European Mask and Lithography Conference (EMLC 2023), 128020O (5 October 2023); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2674052
- Baraghini, N., Eugui, P., Ginner, L., Brosch, N. (2023). Improving 3D Inline Computational Imaging of Textureless Objects Using Pattern Illumination. In: Christensen, H.I., Corke, P., Detry, R., Weibel, JB., Vincze, M. (eds) Computer Vision Systems. ICVS 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14253. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-44137-0_34
Conference Contributions
- BDW 2024
- Micropatterned surfaces aimed to reduce the risk of thrombus formation in cardiovascular devices, Bonora M., Viola V., Perak S., Kopp S., Lunzer M., Mühlberger M., Messner B., Moscato F.
- IDBN 2024
- Manufacturing process of microstructured surfaces to enhance hemocompatibility tested in a microfluidic circuit, Marta Bonora, Stjepan Perak, Sonja Kopp, Sarah Linnemeier, Richard Benauer, Markus Lunzer, Marcus Granegger, Michael M. Mühlberger, Francesco Moscato
- NNT2024
- The Influence of Surface Microstructures on the Interaction with Blood for the Use in a Left Ventricular Assist Device, Marta Bonora, Stjepan Perak, Sonja Kopp, Sarah Linnemeier, Richard Benauer, Markus Lunzer, Marcus Granegger, Francesco Moscato, Michael M. Mühlberger
- UV-Nanoimprinting to Modify 3D-Printed Ceramic Surfaces for Life Science Applications, S. Kopp, A. Lale, V. Jonaityte , M. Bonora , M. J. Haslinger , M. Schwentenwein, M. Vostatek, F. Moscato , M. M. Mühlberger
- Nanoimprinting of functional materials for life science applications, S. Kopp, V. Jonaityte, M. Kainz, S. Kauscheder, M. Haslinger, A. Deyette, A. Lale, S. Perak, E. Guillén, M. Mühlberger
- all can be found in the abstract booklet
- MNE2024
- Nanoimprinting of Microstructures for a Left Ventricular Assist Device, Sonja Kopp, Marta Bonora, Stjepan Perak, Sarah Linnemeier, Richard Benauer, Abhijeet Lale, Viktorija Jonaityte, Michel J. Haslinger , Martin Schwentenwein, Matthias Vostatek, Markus Lunzer, Marcus Granegger, Francesco Moscato, Michael M. Mühlberger
- Nanoimprinting using functional materials for the life science, S. Kopp, V. Jonaityte, M. Kainz, S. Kauscheder, M. Haslinger, A. Deyette, A. Lale, S. Perak, E. Guillén, M. Mühlberger
- µTAS 2024
- Combining 2-Photon Polymerisation and Nanoimprint Lithography for Thrombogenicity Assessment in Left Ventricular Assist Devices, Stjepan Perak, Marta Bonora, Sonja Kopp, Michael Mühlberger, Francesco Moscato, Markus Lunzer (link to program)
- Biofabrication 2024
- Thrombogenicity prevention vie micropatterning: design and fabrication of a microfluidic test assay for blood-suraface interaction combining 2-photon polymersization and nanoimprnit lithography, Stjepan Perak, Marta Bonora, Sonja Kopp, Michael Mühlberger, Francesco Moscato, Markus Lunzer
- ISACB 2024
- Thrombus risk in cardiovascular devices: micropatterned surfaces influence platelet adhesion, Bonora M., Viola V., Kopp S., Perak S., Mühlberger M., Lunzer M., Messner B., Fischer B. M., Moscato F.
- ISMCS 2024
- Comparison of a miniaturized implantable two-stage ventricular assist device to equivalent single-stage concepts, Sarah Linnemeier, Bente Thamsen, Stefan Maric, Bernhard Semlitsch, Daniel Zimpfer, Marcus Granegger – Young Investigator’s Award for Sarah Linnemeier
- Investigation of Micropatterned Surfaces as Tool to Reduce Thrombus Formation Risk compared to Polished Surface for cardiovascular devices, Marta Bonora, Veronica Viola, Stjepan Perak, Markus Lunzer, Sonja Kopp, Michael Mühlberger, Barbara Messner, Michael Bernard Fischer, Francesco Moscato
- HemPhys3
- Thrombus risk in cardiovascular devices: micropatterned surfaces influence platelet adhesion, Bonora M., Viola V., Kopp S., Perak S., Mühlberger M., Lunzer M., Messner B., Fischer B. M., Moscato F.
- ESAO 2024
- Dynamic analysis of the hydrodynamic bearing of a two-stage pediatric left ventricular assist device, Sarah Linnemeier, Rosario Giuffrida, Spasoje Miric, Daniel Zimpfer, Johann W. Kolar, Marcus Granegger
- Surface modification of cardiovascular devices to reduce the risk of thrombus formation, Marta Bonora, Veronica Viola, Stjepan Perak, Markus Lunzer, Sonja Kopp, Michael Mühlberger, Barbara Messner, Francesco Moscato
- ESB-ViCEM 2023
- Hydrophobic micropatterned surfaces, 2-photon-polzmerization printer, improved hemocompatibility properties, Bonora, M., Riebartsch, B., Lunzer, M., Perak, S., Mühlberger, M., Kopp, S., Viola, V., Moscato, F.
- mrt meet the expert (online)
- The beauty and versatility of nanomprinting, M. Mühlberger
- 49th ESAO-IFAO Congress
- Comparing Wettability Properties of Microscale Surface Pattern Modifications obtained via 2-photon-polymerization, M. Bonora, C. Grasl, M. Lunzer, S. Perak, C. Ghiagheddu, F. Moscato
- MNE2023
- UV-Nanoimprinting of Ceramics, S. Kopp, A. Lale, V. Jonaityte, M. J. Haslinger, M. Schwentenwein, F. Moscato, M. M. Mühlberger
- Fabrication of Surface Microstructures and Investigation of their Influence on the Interaction with Blood for Application in a Left Ventricular Assist Device, M. Bonora, S. Perak, S Kopp, S. Linnemeier, R. Benauer, M. Lunzer, F. Moscato, M. Granegger, M. Mühlberger
- ICVS 2023
- Improving 3D Inline Computational Imaging of Textureless Objects using Pattern Illumination, Nicholas Baraghini, Pablo Eugui, Laurin Ginner, and Nicole Brosch
- NNT2023
- UV-Nanoimprinting to Modify 3D-Printed Ceramic Surfaces, Sonja Kopp, Abhijeet Lale, Viktorija Jonaityte, Michael J. Haslinger, Martin Schwentenwein, Francesco Moscato, Michael M. Muehlberger
- Fabrication of Surface Microstructures and Investigation of their Influence on the Interaction with Blood for Use in a Left Ventricular Assist Device, Marta Bonora, Stjepan Perak, Sonja Kopp, Sarah Linnemeier, Richard Benauer, Markus Lunzer, Francesco Moscato, Marcus Granegger, Michael M. Muehlberger
- Nanoimprinting of Micro- and Nanostructures for Life Science Applications, Michael J. Haslinger, Sonja Kopp, Michael M. Mühlberger
- LBG Meeting Innovation in Health Sciences 2023
- Improving Surfaces Hemocompatibility by Increasing Wettability Properties through Surface Micro-Structuring Modification obtained via 2-photon-polymerization Bonora, M., Grasl, C., Lunzer, M., Perak, S., S. Kopp, M. Mühlberger, Giagheddu, C., Moscato, F.
- ÖGBMT 2023
- Modifying Wettability Properties by Utilizing 2-Photon Polymeriza-tion for Manufacturing Microstructured Surfaces, Bonora, M., Grasl, C., Lunzer, M., Perak, S., S. Kopp, M. Mühlberger, Giagheddu, C., Moscato, F.
- 49th Annual ESAO Congress
- Numerical evaluation of a novel two-stage ventricular assist device for pediatric patients, S. Linnemeier, K. Narayanaswamy, B. Thamsen, B. Semlitsch, S. Miric, R. Benauer, P. Leitl, G. Laufer, D. Zimpfer, M. Granegger
- EMLC 2023
- Direct patterning of functional materials using nanoimprint lithography, Michael J. Haslinger, Sonja Kopp, Viktorija Jonaityte, Amiya Moharana, Michael Muehlberger
- M3D+it 2022
- The OPTIFLOW-3D Project, Michael Mühlberger et al.